
BSF - (386+ only)

Scans source operand for first bit set. Sets ZF if a bit is found set and loads the destination with an index to first set bit. Clears ZF is no bits are found set. BSF scans forward across bit pattern (0-n) while BSR scans in reverse (n-0).


	BSF	dest,src	

Modifies flags:


Clocks Size
Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes
reg,reg - - 10+3n 6-42 3
reg,mem - - 10+3n 7-43 3-7
reg32,reg32 - - 10+3n 6-42 3-7
reg32,mem32 - - 10+3n 7-43 3-7
  • back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/instr/bsf.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2023/03/03 23:53
  • de