Intel 80x86 Family Architecture
General purpose registers
General Purpose Registers | Segment Registers |
AH/AL | AX | (EAX) | Accumulator | CS | Code Segment |
BH/BL | BX | (EBX) | Base | DS | Data Segment |
CH/CL | CX | (ECX) | Counter | SS | Stack Segment |
DH/DL | DX | (EDX) | Data | ES | Extra Segment |
| | | | (FS) | 386 and newer |
(Exx) indicates 386+ 32 bit register | (GS) | 386 and newer |
Pointers Registers
Pointer Registers | Stack Registers |
SI (ESI) | Source Index | SP (ESP) | Stack Pointer |
DI (EDI) | Destination Index | BP (EBP) | Base Pointer |
IP | Instruction Pointer | | |
Status Registers
FLAGS | Status Flags (see FLAGS) |
Special Registers (386+ only)
CR0 | Control Register 0 | DR0 | Debug Register 0 |
CR2 | Control Register 2 | DR1 | Debug Register 1 |
CR3 | Control Register 3 | DR2 | Debug Register 2 |
| | DR3 | Debug Register 3 |
TR4 | Test Register 4 | DR6 | Debug Register 6 |
TR5 | Test Register 5 | DR7 | Debug Register 7 |
TR6 | Test Register 6 | | |
TR7 | Test Register 7 | | |
Register | Default Segment | Valid Overrides |
BP | SS | DS, ES, CS |
SI or DI | DS | ES, SS, CS |
DI strings | ES | None |
SI strings | DS | ES, SS, CS |
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