
INT 0x10 - 0x05 - Select Active Display Page

reg value descr
AH 0x05
AL parm new page number (see Video Pages)

:!: for PCjr only:

reg value descr
AL 0x80 read CRT/CPU page registers
0x81 set CPU page register
BL: CPU page register
0x82 set CRT page register
BH: CRT page register
0x83 set bot CRT and CPU page register
BL: CPU page register
BH: CRT page register
  • the CPU page determines which 16K block of the first 128K of physical memory will be mapped at B800h by the hardware
  • the CRT page determines the start address of the memory used by the video controller
reg descr
BH CRT page register
BL CPU page register
  • returns data from BIOS DATA AREA locations 40:50, 40:60 and 40:61
  • the 6845 can also be used to read the cursor position
  • the return data can be circumvented by direct port I/O to the 6845 CRT Controller since this function returns the data found in the BIOS Data Area without actually checking the controller
  • to determine whether the requested page actually exists, use AH=0Fh to query the current page after making this call


  • back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/interrupts/int_10/int_10_05.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2023/01/19 21:19
  • de frater