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6845 - Motorola CRT Controller

The Motorola 6845, or MC6845, is a display controller that was widely used in 8-bit computers during the 1980s.

Originally intended for designs based on the Motorola 6800 CPU and given a related part number, it was more widely used alongside various other processors, and was most commonly found in machines based on the Zilog Z80 and MOS 6502.

The 6845 is not an entire display solution on its own; the chip's main function is to properly time access to the display memory, and to calculate the memory address of the next portion to be drawn. Other circuitry in the machine then uses the address provided by the 6845 to fetch the pattern and then draw it. The implementation of that hardware is entirely up to the designer and varied widely among machines. The 6845 is intended for character displays, but could also be used for pixel-based graphics, with some clever programming.

Among its better-known uses are the BBC Micro, Amstrad CPC, and Videx VideoTerm display cards for the Apple II. It is also part of many early graphics adapter cards for the IBM PC, including the MDA, Hercules Graphics Card (HGC), Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) and the Plantronics Colorplus.

Its functionality was duplicated and extended by custom circuits in the EGA and VGA PC video adapters.


Ports Description
From To
3B0 3BB Monochrome Monitor Adapter
3D0 3DC Color Graphics Adapter (mapped similarly)
Adapter Mode Description
Mono Color
3B0 3D0 R/W port address decodes to 3B4/3D4
3B1 3D1 R/W port address decodes to 3B5/3D5
3B2 3D2 R/W port address decodes to 3B4/3D4
3B3 3D3 R/W port address decodes to 3B5/3D5
3B4 3D4 R/W 6845 index register, selects which register [0-11h] is to be accessed through port 3B5/3D5
3B5 3D5 R/W 6845 data register [0-11h] selected by port 3B4/3D4.
registers 0C-0F may be read.
If a read occurs without the adapter installed, FFh is returned.
3B6 3D6 R/W port address decodes to 3B4/3D4
3B7 3D7 R/W port address decodes to 3B5/3D5
3B8 3D8 R/W 6845 mode control register
N/A 3D9 R/W color select register on color adapter
3BA 3DA R status register (read only)
3BB 3DB R light pen strobe reset
N/A 3DC R preset light pen latch
3DE R/W Extended Register
3DF R/W Extended Registers Data
N/A 3DF W CRT/CPU page register (PCjr only)


Registers Accessed through ports 3B5 & 3D5 VALID VALUES
register Descrption MONO CO40 CO80 GRPH
00 Horiz. total characters 61 38 71 38
01 Horiz. displayed characters per line 50 28 50 28
02 Horiz. synch position 52 2D 5A 2D
03 Horiz. synch width in characters 0F 0A 0A 0A
04 Vert. total lines 19 1F 1F 7F
05 Vert. total adjust (scan lines) 06 06 06 06
06 Vert. displayed rows 19 19 19 64
07 Vert. synch position (character rows) 19 1C 1C 70
08 Interlace mode 02 02 02 02
09 Maximum scan line address 0D 07 07 01
0A Cursor start (scan line) 0B 06 06 06
0B Cursor end (scan line) 0C 07 07 07
0C Start address (MSB) 00 00 00 00
0D Start address (LSB) 00 00 00 00
0E Cursor address (MSB) (read/write) 00
0F Cursor address (LSB) (read/write) 00
10 Light pen (MSB) (read only)
11 Light pen (LSB) (read only)
  • Registers 00-0D are write only, registers 0E-0F are read/write and registers 10-11 are read only
  • Cursor address is calculated with using the following (row*80)+col

Port 3B8 (Monochrome)

Bit 3B8 CRT Control Port
0 1 = 80×25 text
1-2 unused
3 1 = enable video out
4 unused
5 0 = blink off
1 = blinking on
6-7 unused

bit 0 MUST be always set to 1, if set to 0, adapter will force CPU to wait for an never set signal and hang

Port 3D8 (Color)

Bit 3D8 CRT Control Port
0 Text mode:
0 = 40×25 text
1 = 80×25 text
1 Video Mode:
0 = text
1 = graphics
2 Color mode:
0 = color
1 = B/W
3 1 = enable video signal
4 1 = 640×200 B/W graphics
5 0 = no blink
1 = blinking on
6-7 unused

Port 3D9 Color Text Modes

Bit 3D9 Color Select Register (3B9 not used)
0-2 border color (indexed)
3 background intensity setting
5-7 unused

Port 3D9 Color Graphics Modes

Bit 3D9 Color Select Register (3B9 not used)
0-2 background color (indexed color)
3 enable background intensity
4 unused
5 0 = palette 0
1 = palette 1 (see below)
6-7 unused
  • Palette 0 = green, red, brown
  • Palette 1 = cyan, magenta, white

Port 3DA Status Register

Bit 3DA Status Register
0 retrace signal
0: no retrace signal
1: horizontal or vertical retrace
1 optical pen
0: pen released
1: pen pushed
2 optical pen
0: not present
1: present
3 Vertical Retrace
0: no retrace in progress
1: retrace in progress
4-5 diagnostics (reserved)
6-7 unused

Port 3DE Extended Registers

Bit 3DE Extended Registers
0-4 Extension Data Registers
5-7 Reserved

Port 3DF CRT /Processor Page Register

Bit 3DF CRT / Processor Page Register
0 CRT Page 0
1 CRT Page 1
2 CRT Page 2
3 Processor Page 0
4 Processor Page 1
5 Processor Page 3
6 Video Address mode 0
7 Video Address mode 1

CRT Page 0-2

These bits select which 16K byte memory-page between 00000 to hex IFFFF is being displayed. If there is no expansion RAM in the system, the high- order bit is a “I don't care” , and only 4 pages are supported. For graphics modes which require 32K bytes the low-order bit is a “I don't care

Processor Page 0-2

These bits select the 16K byte memory-page region where memory cycles to B8000 are redirected. If there is no expansion RAM installed in the system, the high-order bit is a I don't care I and only 4 pages are supported.

Video Address Mode 0-1

These bits control whether the row scan addresses are used as part of the memory address. These should be programmed as follows:

Video Address Mode
1 (Bit 7) 0 (Bit 6) Resulting Modes
0 0 All Alpha Modes
0 1 Low Resolution Graphics Modes
1 1 High Resolution Graphics Modes
1 0 Unused, Reserved
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