
FLAGS - Intel 8086 Family Flags Register

This register cannot be accessed (read/write) directly.

Bit Flag
0 CF Carry Flag
1 1
2 PF Parity Flag
3 0
4 AF Auxiliary Flag
5 0
6 ZF Zero Flag
7 SF Sign Flag
8 TF Trap Flag (Single Step)
9 IF Interrupt Flag
10 DF Direction Flag
11 OF Overflow flag
12 IOPL I/O Privilege Level (286+ only)
13 NT Nested Task Flag (286+ only)
14 0
15 RF Resume Flag (386+ only)
16 VM Virtual Mode Flag (386+ only)
  • back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/hardware/flags.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2023/03/08 19:47
  • de