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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Format of "savegame.dat"

Ce fichier est un “dump mémoire” du jeu, il n'est pas compressé ni crypté; on y retrouve la meme structure que dans le code source.

0x0000 - 0x7fff 256×128 tile codes top-left=0x0000
0x8000 - 0x8013 unit type 01:builder 02:tank 03:heavy tank
0x8014 - constructions type 14:Headquarters 15:Radar 16 19:factory 1A:Missile Silo
0x8080 - enemy constructions type 21:HQ 22:Gun Tower
0x8100 - 0x8113 unit X position
0x8114 - constructions X position
0x8180 - enemy constructions X position
0x8200 - 0x8213 unit Y position
0x8214 - constructions Y position
0x8280 - enemy construction Y position
0x8700 - 0x873f life values for units and constructions
0x8740 - 0x876f ~ unknown area
0x8780 - 0x87bf enemy lifes for units and constructions (guess)
0x87c0 - 0x8fff ~ unknown area
0x8910 - missile silo fill up
0x9000 - 0x31 = green 0x32= ice 0x33=desert
0x9001 - current selected unit
0x9002 - Difficulty 0 1 2
0x9003 - Mine
0x9004 - Gas
0x9005 - Energy
0x9006 - 0x900f ~ unknown area
0x9010 - ms
0x9011 - ~ unknown area
0x9012 - Second
0x9013 - Minute
0x9014 - Hour
back2root/reverse-engineering/planet-x3/part2-savegame_dat.1673534908.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2023/01/12 15:48 de frater