
INT 0x21 - 0x50 - Set Current Process ID

Undocumented DOS 2.x

reg value descr
AH 0x50
BX process ID number (process PSP segment Address)


  • the process ID number is actually the segment address of a program's PSP. This is useful for TSR's to access their own file handle table inside their PSP.
  • this function cannot be called while in an INT 28 handler in DOS 2.x unless the critical error flag is set or stack corruption will occur
  • safe in DOS 3.x INT 28 handlers since they use a different stack by default
  • available in OS/2 compatibility box

see INT 21,51, INT 21,62


  • back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/interrupts/int_21/int_21_50.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2024/04/08 08:23
  • de