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Table des matières

INT 0x10 - 0x07 - Scroll Window Down


reg value descr
AH 0x07
AL var number of lines to scroll, previous lines are blanked
if 0 or AL > screen size, window is blanked
BH var attribute to be used on blank line
CH var row of upper left corner of scroll window
CL var column of upper left corner of scroll window
DH var row of lower right corner of scroll window
DL var column of lower right corner of scroll window



Notes & Comments

  • in video mode 4 (300×200 4 color) on the EGA, MCGA and VGA this function scrolls page 0 regardless of the current page
  • can be used to scroll graphics screens, using character coords
  • on CGA's this function disables video adapter, causing flitter
  • affect only the current active page


back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/interrupts/int_10/int_10_07.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/01/19 21:58 de frater