Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !
MS DOS 6.0 introduced the ability to specify multiple configurations in the config.sys
and autoexec.bat
. This feature can be used for different situations:
This is a simple config.sys
, which tries to outline the basics of multiple configurations with the use of MENU and MENUITEM:
[MENU] REM Define an item in the menu, first identifier and then what is written in the menu MENUITEM=DOS, DOS with CD-ROM MENUITEM=WIN, Windows REM The commands at COMMON is executed no matter what is chosen in the MENU [COMMON] DOS=HIGH,UMB REM For each menu item there can be defined a configuration [DOS] DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:OFF DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS DEVICE=C:\CDROM\DRIVER.SYS /D:CD1 [WIN] DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:OFF
This is a simple autoexec.bat
, where the MENUITEM is translated into the environement variable CONFIG:
@ECHO OFF PROMPT=$P$G SET DIRCMD=/A/OGN/P REM Uses the identifier from CONFIG.SYS to goto a label GOTO %CONFIG% REM This is the label for the identifier DOS :DOS LH C:\DOS\MSCDEX.EXE /D:CD1 LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE 2048 REM The GOTO EXIT is required so it won’t continue into the WIN configuration GOTO EXIT REM This is the label for the identifier WIN :WIN REM The ECHO command writes a message on the DOS screen ECHO Starting Windows… C:\WINDOWS\WIN :EXIT
It is possible to extend menu-system in the config.sys with SUBMENU, which enables sub-menus. One can also use MENUDEFAULT to specify the default menu item and how long it should wait before it picks the default.
REM By using SUBMENU you will creating an extra menu(TEST) SUBMENU=TEST, Testing
REM Using MENUDEAFAULT makes it possible to choose a certain REM item(WIN) and if it’s set also select that item after a certain REM time(20 secs) MENUDEFAULT=WIN, 20
REM Here is the SUBMENU it can also include other SUBMENUs [TEST] MENUITEM=TEST1, Testing 1
To read more about multi-configurations menus execute the following command:
help multi-config