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Int 00h - Print Screen

Normally invoked by the INT 09 handler when PrtSc key is pressed, but may be invoked directly by applications.

byte at 0050h:0000h contains status used by default handler 00h not active

01h PrtSc in progress
FFh last PrtSc encountered error

default handler is at F000h:FF54h in IBM PC and 100%-compatible BIOSes

SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=12h/BL=20h CPU-generated (80186+) - BOUND RANGE EXCEEDED

generated by BOUND instruction when the value to be tested is less than the indicated lower bound or greater than the indicated upper bound.

returning from this interrupt re-executes the failing BOUND instruction

Generated if the divisor of a DIV or IDIV instruction is zero or the quotient overflows the result register; DX and AX will be unchanged.


no input

Notes & Comments

  • on an 8086/8088, the return address points to the following instruction
  • on an 80286+, the return address points to the divide instruction

See Also INT 04


back2root/ibm-pc-ms-dos/interrupts/int_05/start.1730187152.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2024/10/29 08:32 de frater