Table des matières


Copyright © 1991 - 1998

All Rights Reserved

Written by

Alain Malek (Hornet of Alcatraz)

Have you ever wanted to get an Action Replay on your A1200, A3000 or A4000 ? If the answer is yes, then you should have a look at HRTmon.

HRTmon is a monitor for your Amiga, which doesn't use the libraries.

You can invoke the monitor at any point. Even if a game or a demo switched off the interrupts.

Once in HRTmon you can watch all the memory, disassemble, edit, save, etc… (Have a look at the @@{“commands list” Link Commands}) and continue, as if nothing happend.

You don't have to care about any picture address. ALL the CHIP-memory can be edited transparently.

To work perfectly HRTmon requires a 'magic' @@{“level7 button” Link Level7}. (This button is recommended but you can use HRTmon without it.)

HRTmon is now free, and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) (see:

visit the HRTmon web site at:


Tested on:

HRTmon won't work with tools like Enforcer.

To get a complete control over the system, HRTmon HAS to access the exception vectors memory, which will generate lots of Enforcer-hits.

If you find any bugs under your configuration, please contact me (address in the @@{“ Disclaimer and Author Info ” Link Disclaimer} section).


Simply copy these files in the same drawer.
HRTmon		(this file can also be copied in c: for example)

Copy libs/reqtools.library to your libs: directory. (If you don't have it already).



This program will launch HRTmon and use the preferences selected in the @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs} program.

It will try to load the file from the current directory, if it fails it will look into the HRTmonPrefs directory.

HRTmon -r

option: -r : only remove HRTmon if found in memory (no installation)

The Tracer

You can enter the tracer by pressing the F7 key.

To get out of the tracer just press F7 again

To trace one single instruction press the right-arrow.

To trace a BSR or a JSR instruction without tracing all the sub-routine press the down-arrow. (The sub-routine will be executed but not traced.)

The Editor


When you enter HRTmon, you get directly in the editor.

If the keyboard doesn't respond, just press your right-mouse button, to reinit the CIA. (HRTmon doesn't do it automatically, to avoid modifying some read-only registers.)

The editor has 2 different pages. You can toggle between those two pages by pressing F10

To execute a command, you just have to type the command on any line and press return to validate it.

To repeat the same command without any parameter just press RETURN. (Useful when disassembling or dumping memory.)

Escape sets the cursor to the begin of the next line.

Use the arrows keys to move the cursor arround the screen and scroll up and down into disassembled code, hex dump etc…

The editor can work in 2 modes: insert-mode ON or OFF. When the insert-mode is OFF, you can still insert some blank spaces, by pressing Tab or SHIFT+Del.

To insert a whole line press ALT+Tab.

To clear a single line, press SHIFT+backspace.

To remove a whole line press ALT+Del.

The mouse can move the 'snap cursor'. When you click on a word with the 'snap cursor', the word will be copied at the actual 'real cursor' position.


If you need to enter a command you used before, just press CTRL+arrow-up or CTRL+arrow-down to get the last commands you have executed.


Each time you have to enter a number in a command, you can also enter an expression.

You can use a register in an expression.


h a0+4
d pc


% for binary
$ for hexadecimal
# for decimal (default, in @@{“hexlock” Link cmd_hexlock} you have to use it)
\ as prefix for cpu-registers (may mostly be omitted, in hex mode d0-a7 require it)
[..] for indirect addressing


h [4]

will display the ExecBase structure.

You can specify a size to each number you enter by using an extension.

.b for byte
.w for word (16 bits)
.l for longword (32 bits)

for example:


This is useful for functions like memory search or trainer.

- To enter a string with spaces use : '

Example:  s ' light' $40000 $50000



@@Node Floppy “HRTmon/Usage/Floppy”


To launch HRTmon from a floppy disk you have to create a boot-disk with @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs}.

This boot-disk makes possible to debug games or demos using 'NON-DOS' disks. (have also a look at the 'reboot' command)

You have to do the following :
  1. Boot the HRTmon disk.
  2. When the screen flashs insert the disk you want to debug.
  3. Press the left-mouse button to enter HRTmon.

You are now debuging the boot-block of the disk you inserted.


Starting HRTmonPrefs:

Type HRTmonPrefs from the CLI or simply click on the HRTmonPrefs icon.

HRTmonPrefs options:

Address Enter the address where you want HRTmon to be located.
This address must be entered in hexadecimal.
If you don't have any idea where to locate HRTmon then type in this address: $1d0000
Repeat key delay Change the repeat key delay of HRTmon. (Default = 15)
AllocABS When HRTmon is installed the memory used will automatically be allocated through the AllocABS function of exec.library.
This behaviour can be turned off by this switch.
AutoAlloc If you don't want to specify yourself the address field just activate this option. HRTmon will try to find out by itself the best address. (This option works at best with Kickstart 3.0 or higher, but you can also use it with Kickstart lower than 3.0)
Insert mode as default Editor will use 'insert' mode as default. (You can still toggle the mode with the F2 key)
}Right-Mouse Enter Select this option if you want to enter HRTmon by pressing on your right mouse button. If you don't select this option or the the Key Enter option, then the only way to enter HRTmon will be the @@{“level7 button” Link level7}.
Key Enter Select this option if you want to enter HRTmon by pressing on the backslash key (on US keyboard). This key is located next to the backspace key just over the return.
IDE hardisk Select this option if you have an A1200 or A4000 with an IDE harddisk and you want to access this disk from HRTmon.
Have also a look at the @@{“HD WARNINGS” Link HDwarnings}.
LoadView Task If selected a special task will be added to restore special screens correctly (gfx boards, or non 15khz display)
The LoadView call can't be done from an interrupt routine (here HRTmon), that's why it uses an additional system task.
Keyboard Select the keyboard you want to use in HRTmon.
No VBR move Do not relocate the vbr if it was previously set to zero. (if VBR isn't zero, HRTmon never relocates the VBR)
Hex mode Activate by default the @@{“hexadecimal mode ” Link cmd_hexlock}.
Make Boot-Disk Click this button to create a disk which will load HRTmon at 'address', and allows you to boot from another disk. (See @@{“ Floppy disk launch ” Link Floppy})
Install After having checked the Address, and AllocABS options click on this button to install HRTmon in memory.

Saving HRTmonPrefs options:

Select 'Save' in the preferences menu.

Hard Disk Warnings !

When accessing a partition from HRTmon you have to follow the following rule:

  • After having saved a file to your harddisk using HRTmon. You should perform a RESET of your computer before accessing this partition again from the AmigaDOS or Workbench side. But you can perform as many access you want from HRTmon.

If you don't follow this rule you might corrupt the files saved from HRTmon and you will need to perform a repair of your partition using Disksalv of QuarterBackTools or any similar program, but you won't loose any file already on your HD !

Instead of reseting your computer you can also perform a 'diskchange' of the partition. (This is an AmigaDOS command)


Get into a Shell or the CLI and type:

DiskChange hd0:

So the AmigaDOS will see the modifications of the disk made by HRTmon.


To enter HRTmon, simply press your @@{“level7” Link Level7} button or the right-mouse button if you have selected the Right-Mouse Enter in @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs} or the BackSlash key also depending of your settings in @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs}.

If the @@{b}keyboard@@{ub} doesn't work in HRTmon press the @@{b}right@@{ub} mouse button. (It shouldn't happen very often.)


HRTmon uses the VBR register to get transparent.

If you can't enter a demo or game, than try to trace the startup-code and modify every instruction concerning the VBR instruction.


@@{b}List of commands :@@{ub}

             @@{"r       " Link cmd_r} view or edit CPU registers
             @@{"a       " Link cmd_a} assemble 680x0
             @@{"d       " Link cmd_d} disassemble/assemble 680x0
             @@{"h       " Link cmd_h} hex dump/modify memory
             @@{"n       " Link cmd_n} ascII dump of memory
             @@{"e       " Link cmd_e} dump/modify custom registers
             @@{"type    " Link cmd_type} type from memory
             @@{"c       " Link cmd_c} copy memory
             @@{"q       " Link cmd_q} compare memory
             @@{"o       " Link cmd_o} fill memory
             @@{"ce      " Link cmd_ce} exchange memory
             @@{"f       " Link cmd_f} find
             @@{"fi      " Link cmd_fi} find instruction
             @@{"fs      " Link cmd_fs} find string
             @@{"cop     " Link cmd_cop} find copperlist
             @@{"p       " Link cmd_p} enter the graphic searcher
             @@{"b       " Link cmd_b} set or remove breakpoint (view all)
             @@{"bj      " Link cmd_bj} set or remove JSR breakpoint
             @@{"bd      " Link cmd_bd} remove all breakpoints
             @@{"mw      " Link cmd_mw} set/remove/view memory watch
             @@{"mwd     " Link cmd_mwd} delete all memory watch
             @@{"t       " Link cmd_t} trace
             @@{"ta      " Link cmd_ta} trace till address reached
             @@{"debug   " Link cmd_debug} switch debug mode on/off
             @@{"drive   " Link cmd_drive} change current drive
             @@{"motor   " Link cmd_motor} switch drive motor on
             @@{"format  " Link cmd_format} format FFS disk
             @@{"qformat " Link cmd_qformat} quick format FFS disk
             @@{"diskchk " Link cmd_diskchk} check a floppy disk
             @@{"ide     " Link cmd_ide} get information from IDE drives
             @@{"part    " Link cmd_part} list all partitions
             @@{"dir     " Link cmd_dir} dir
             @@{"cd      " Link cmd_cd} change current directory
             @@{"l       " Link cmd_l} load file
             @@{"s       " Link cmd_s} save file
             @@{"sp      " Link cmd_sp} save the actual picture
             @@{"makedir " Link cmd_makedir} makedir
             @@{"del     " Link cmd_del} delete a file
             @@{"copy    " Link cmd_copy} copy a file
             @@{"rs      " Link cmd_rs} read sectors from disk
             @@{"ws      " Link cmd_ws} write sectors to disk
             @@{"bb      " Link cmd_bb} calculate boot-block checksum
             @@{"la      " Link cmd_la} load all
             @@{"sa      " Link cmd_sa} save all
             @@{"sac     " Link cmd_sac} save all compressed
             @@{"d2f     " Link cmd_d2f} read a floppy and save it as a file
             @@{"f2d     " Link cmd_f2d} read a file and save it as a floppy
             @@{"ts      " Link cmd_ts} trainer start
             @@{"tsd     " Link cmd_tsd} deep trainer start
             @@{"tf      " Link cmd_tf} trainer find
             @@{"output  " Link cmd_output} redirect output to memory
             @@{"af      " Link cmd_af} assemble 65816
             @@{"df      " Link cmd_df} disassemble 65816
             @@{"fif     " Link cmd_fif} find instruction 65816
             @@{"clear   " Link cmd_empty} clear all memory and reboot
             @@{"reboot  " Link cmd_empty} reboot and keep HRTmon resident
             @@{"pal     " Link cmd_empty} set PAL display
             @@{"ntsc    " Link cmd_empty} set NTSC display
             @@{"31k     " Link cmd_31k} set 31Khz display (Productivity,...)
             @@{"led     " Link cmd_empty} switch power led on/off
             @@{"?       " Link cmd_eval} evaluate expression
             @@{"excep   " Link cmd_empty} show exception vectors
             @@{"x       " Link cmd_x} exit HRTmon
             @@{"kill    " Link cmd_kill} kill HRTmon
             @@{"hexlock " Link cmd_hexlock} choose dec/hex as default

@@{b} List of special keys :@@{ub}

             @@{"F1  " Link cmd_empty} clear screen
             @@{"F2  " Link cmd_empty} toggle insert mode on/off
             @@{"F6  " Link cmd_empty} toggle 65802/65816 CPU mode (for disassemble)
             @@{"F7  " Link cmd_f7} enter and exit tracer
             @@{"F10 " Link cmd_empty} toggle betwen page 1 and 2
             @@{"ESC " Link cmd_empty} break the actual command
             @@{"HELP" Link cmd_empty} show commands list

@@{b} See also :@@{ub} @@{“The Editor” Link Editor}



@@Node cmd_31k “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_31K”

CMD_31K : Set 31khz display




- If you have stopped a program which runs on a Productivity, Euro72,

DblPal, DblNtsc screen you can restore the display correctly by
using this command.



@@Node cmd_d2f “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_D2F”

CMD_D2F : Disk to file


                 D2F filename


- Read all sectors from a 880K floppy disk and write it to a file.


- Can also be used to generate .adf file for UAE



@@Node cmd_f2d “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_F2D”

             @@{b}CMD_F2D : File to disk@@{ub}


                 F2D filename


- Write all sectors from a 880K floppy disk with data from a file.

(the opposite of the @@{"D2F" Link cmd_d2f} command)



@@Node cmd_fs “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_FS”

             @@{b}CMD_FS : Find String@@{ub}


                 fs start end 'string'


start = start address of search end = end address of search string = string to search


- The search isn't case sensitive.

@@EndNode ##——————————————————————-

@@Node cmd_e “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_E”

             @@{b}CMD_E : dump/edit custom registers @@{ub}


                 e offset [newval]


offset = offset of custom register ($100 ⇔ $dff100) newval = new value for the custom register


- This command replaces the old cmd_esc (for HRTmon 1.x users)



@@Node cmd_diskchk “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_DISKCHK”

                    @@{b}CMD_DISKCHK : check disk@@{ub}


- Check a floppy disk for errors




- Use the @@{“DRIVE” Link cmd_drive} command to check a disk in df1:



@@Node cmd_r “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_R”

                      @@{b}CMD_R : registers@@{ub}


- View the processor registers, or modify a register.



or r reg val


reg = name of register to modify. val = new value for the register.


- register RTS shows you the return address if a RTS is executed.

if the PC points on a RTE instruction, you will see the 'RTE address'.



@@Node cmd_a “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_A”

                      @@{b}CMD_A : assemble@@{ub}


- Assemble MC680X0 code into memory.


                 a address instruction


address = address where the instruction must be assembled. instruction = MC68000-MC68040/FPU/MMU instruction.


- You have to enter the instruction with the new syntax.

     Example:         move.l d0,(4,a0)  correct
                      move.l d0,4(a0)   incorrect
                      move.l d0,($40000) correct
                      move.l d0,$40000   incorrect
  1. You have to enter the instructions in their original forme.
     Example:         cmpi.w #4,d0       correct
                      cmp.w #4,d0        incorrect

- If the assemble command succeeds it will automatically print 'a nextaddress'

on the next line.
If you want to stop assembling just press return.
Otherwise type in the next instruction.

- You can also use the @@{“D” Link cmd_d} command.



@@Node cmd_d “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_D”

             @@{b}CMD_D : disassemble / assemble@@{ub}


- Disassemble (or assemble) MC680X0 code from memory.


                 d address [instr]


address = address of the 680×0 code to disassemble.


- 8 instructions from 'address' will be disassembled and printed.



@@Node cmd_h “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_H”

                      @@{b}CMD_H : hex dump@@{ub}


- Dump memory in hex and ascII, or edit memory.


                 h address                               ;hex dump

or h address val.x val.x val.x … ;modify memory

or h address 'string' ;modify memory


address = address of the memory to dump or to modify val = new values to write in memory. x = size of val = b,w,l (default: w)


       h $40000 10.b $140.w $12345678.l
       h $50000 'HRTmon'



@@Node cmd_n “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_N”

                      @@{b}CMD_N : ascII dump@@{ub}


- Dump memory in ascII only.


                 n address


address = address of the memory to dump.



@@Node cmd_type “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_TYPE”



- Type a text in memory in the editor.


                 type address


address = address of the memory to type.


- the memory will be printed in the editor.

A zero will stop the command.



@@Node cmd_c “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_C”



- Copy a block of memory.


                 c start end dest


start = start address of the block to copy. end = end address of the block to copy. dest = destination address for the block.



@@Node cmd_q “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_Q”



- Compare two blocks of memory to see if they are equals.


                 q start end start2


start = start address of the block to compare. end = end address of the block to compare. start2 = start address of the 2nd block to compare with the first one.


- If the two blocks are different, the address of the first byte different

from the 2nd block will be printed.

- If the two areas are equal, the following message will be printed:

'Equal areas.'



@@Node cmd_o “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_O”



- Fill the memory with the same byte.


                 o start end val


start = start address of the block to fill. end = end address of the block to fill. val = value used to fill the block.


- 'val' can only be a byte. (If you enter a word or a long it will be

truncated to a byte.)



@@Node cmd_ce “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_CE”



- Exchange two blocks of memory.


                 ce start end dest


start = start address of the block to exchange. end = end address of the block to exchange. dest = destination address for the exchange.


- The two areas will be exchanged.



@@Node cmd_f “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_F”



- Find a sequence of bytes,words,longs in memory.


                 f start end val.x val.x ...


start = start address for the search. end = end address for the search. val = value to find. x = size (b,w,l)


       f $f80000 $f90000 $4ef9.w $f800d2.l



@@Node cmd_fi “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_FI”



- Search for a string in the disassembled (MC680X0) code.


                 fi start end 'string'


start = start address for the search. end = end address for the search. string = string to find.


- don't forget to use the new Motorola syntax. - you can use the * character to replace any character. - you can also find relative address as the fa command of the



       fi $f80000 $f90000 '9a,a*)'
       will find for example:
       MOVE.W #$7FFF,($9A,A4)



@@Node cmd_p “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_P”



- Enter the graphic searcher


                 p picno


picno (optional parameter)


- First use the @@{“COP” Link cmd_cop} command to find

the right copper-list, then use this command

- F10 or ESC : exit this mode. - arrows keys : to move unlocked plans - Shift : Fast move - 1-8 : Lock, Unlock plans - M : Increase modulo - N : Decrease modulo - , : Clear modulo - Q : Decrease picture width - W : Increase picture width - A : Decrease picture height - S : Increase picture height - R : Set all bitplans to the same address - H : Toggle HAM mode on/off - Help : Switch info panel on/off - Del : Change colors of info panel - F1 : Start / stop set height mode


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_b “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_B”



- Set or remove an Illegal breakpoint.


                 b address                ;set,remove breakpoint

or b ;view all breakpoints


address = address of the breakpoint to set or remove.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_bj “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_BJ”



- Set or remove a JSR breakpoint.


                 bj address               ;set,remove JSR breakpoint

or bj ;view all breakpoints


address = address of the breakpoint to set or remove.


- Will enter the monitor with a JSR instruction.

Don't forget that it will modify 6 bytes in memory to put a JSR.

- This feature was implemented for Amigas without a VBR register. (68000)

It doesn't need to modify the illegal instruction exception vector.
Use @@{"b " Link cmd_b} command instead.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_bd “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_BD”



- Remove all breakpoints set by {“b ” Link cmd_b} or {“bj ” Link cmd_bj}.




- All breakpoints will be removed.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_mw “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_MW”



- set/remove/view memory watch

Will switch in trace mode until the watched memory is modified.


                 mw              (view all memory watch)
                 mw   address    (set a 'byte' memory watch)
                 mw.b address    (set a 'byte' memory watch)
                 mw.w address    (set a 'word' memory watch)
                 mw.l address    (set a 'long' memory watch)
                 mw   address    (remove a single memory watch)


- Programs will slowdown a lot. - It won't trace interrupt routines.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_mwd “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_MWD”



- Remove all memory watch.




##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_t “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_T”



- Trace one or more instructions.


                 t                        ;trace 1 instruction

or t nbsteps ;trace nbsteps instructions


nbsteps = nb of instructions to trace without entering in the monitor.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_ta “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_TA”



- Trace till a specific address is reached.


                 ta address               ;trace 1 instruction


address = when the processor reaches this address, it will activate the



- This function is useful when you want to put a breakpoint in a ROM. - Warning ! This function will slow-down your computer, as each instruction

will be traced until the address is reached.

- Be careful when the processor switches from User mode to Supervisor!


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_debug “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_DEBUG”



- Intercept some exceptions.


                 debug                    ;switch on/off debug mode


- When in debug mode. The monitor will be invoked when one of the following

exceptions is raised.
Bus Error
Address Error
Illegal Instruction
Divide by Zero


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_drive “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_DRIVE”



- View or set the actual drive number.


                 drive                    ;view actual drive no

or drive no ;change drive no


no = no of the drive to use for disk operations. (0-3)


- All disk operations will take place on that drive.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_motor “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_MOTOR”



- Switch the drive motor on.




##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_format “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_FORMAT”



- Format a floppy disk in FFS.


                 format diskname


diskname = name for the disk. Default = HRTmon


- The disk will be formatted in FFS. - Use the @@{“DRIVE” Link cmd_drive} command to format a disk

in df1:


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_qformat “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_QFORMAT”



- Quick format a floppy disk.


                 qformat diskname


diskname = name for the disk. Default = HRTmon


- The disk will be quick formatted in FFS. - This command won't work properly if the disk as never been formatted

in any Amiga format. (First use @@{"format" Link cmd_format})

- Use the @@{“DRIVE” Link cmd_drive} command to format a disk

in df1:


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_dir “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_DIR”



- View the contents of the actual directory.



or dir name


name = name of the directory to list.


- use @@{“cd ” Link cmd_cd} command to change the current directory.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_cd “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_CD”



- Change current directory.


                 cd path


path = path of the future current directory


cd hd0:c
cd df0:


- To go to the parent directory type : cd /


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_l “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_L”



- Load a binary file into memory.


                 l name address


name = name of the file to load from disk. address = destination address for the file.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_s “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_S”



- Save a block of memory to disk.


                 s name start end


name = name of the file to save to disk. start = start address of the block to save. end = end address of the block to save.

 Have also a look at the @@{"HD WARNINGS" Link HDwarnings}.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_makedir “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_MAKEDIR”



- Create a new directory.


                 makedir name


name = name of the new directory to create.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_rs “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_RS”



- Read some sectors from disk.


                 rs address startsec nbsec


address = address where you want to load the sectors. startsec = first sector you want to load. nbsec = nb of sectors from startsec you want to load.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_ws “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_WS”



- Write some sectors to disk.


                 ws address startsec nbsec


address = address from where you want to save. startsec = first sector of the disk to save. nbsec = nb of sectors from startsec you want to save.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_la “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_LA”



- Load all. (See @@{“sa” Link cmd_sa})




- You will be asked to enter the disks you used for @@{“sa ” Link cmd_sa}. - As all registers can't be read. This function won't work 100%. - To get the best results do the following.

1st load the programm you want to restore.
2nd when you are in the programm use the LA command.
By this way all custom registers will be already initialized properly.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_sa “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_SA”



- Save all. (Save memory, registers, etc… to disks.)

It is useful if you want to save a game which doesn't have a 'save game'




- You will be asked to enter multiple disks if not saving onto a HD. - As all registers can't be read. This function won't work 100%. - See @@{“la ” Link cmd_la} command to see how to restore the programm. - Warning ! Only the CHIP memory from $0 to $200000 will be saved.

So, if you want to use this command you will have to switch off your

- Have also a look at the @@{“HD WARNINGS” Link HDwarnings}.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_sac “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_SAC”



- Crunch and save all. (Save memory, registers, etc… to disks.)

It is useful if you want to save a game which doesn't have a 'save game'




- You will be asked to enter multiple disks if not saving onto a HD. - As all registers can't be read. This function won't work 100%. - See @@{“la ” Link cmd_la} command to see how to restore the programm. - Warning ! Only the CHIP memory from $0 to $200000 will be saved.

So, if you want to use this command you will have to switch off your

- Have also a look at the @@{“HD WARNINGS” Link HDwarnings}.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_ts “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_TS”



- Start the trainer process.

It will save all address containg a specific value (the actual number of
lives you have) in a buffer.


                 ts start end val.x


start = start of the memory block you want to search. end = end of the memory block. val = the value you want to search. (number of lives) x = b or w or l


- After having used this command, continue your game and loose one life.

Then enter HRTmon and use the @@{"tf " Link cmd_tf} command.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_tsd “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_TSD”



- Start the trainer process in deep mode

It will save all address containg a specific value (the actual number of
lives you have +- 1) in a buffer.


                 tsd start end val.x


start = start of the memory block you want to search. end = end of the memory block. val = the value you want to search. (number of lives) x = b or w or l


- After having used this command, continue your game and loose one life.

Then enter HRTmon and use the @@{"tf " Link cmd_tf} command.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_tf “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_TF”



- Contine the trainer process.

It will check if the address contained in the trainer buffer
have the value given in parameter.
If it's the case the address will be printed.
Only the printed address will remain in the trainer buffer, so you
can repeat the same procedure, to track step by step the exact address.


                 tf start end val


start = start of the memory block you want to search. end = end of the memory block. val = the value you want to search. (new number of lives)


- If there are too many address, continue your game and loose one life.

Then enter HRTmon and use the @@{"tf " Link cmd_tf} command again.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_output “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_OUTPUT”



- Makes a copy of all outputs of HRTmon in memory.


                 output address                ;start output

or output ;stop output


address = address where you want to redirect the output of HRTmon.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_af “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_AF”



- assemble 65816 code in memory.


                 af address string


address = address where the code must be assembled. string = code to assemble.


- I don't remember if this function was 100% finished.

As I never use it, I don't care...  (Ask me if you really need it)


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_df “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_DF”



- disassemble 65816 code from memory.


                 df address


address = address to disassemble


- Use the F6 key to toggle the 8/16 bit mode.



@@Node cmd_fif “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_FIF”



- Search for a string in the disassembled (65816) code.


                 fif start end 'string'


start = start address for the search. end = end address for the search. string = string to find.


- you can use the * character to replace any character.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_cop “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_COP”



- Find the actual copper-list.


                 cop start end


start = start of the range to search. end = end of the range to search.


- This command can take some time if the copper-list is very long…


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_eval “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_?”



- Evaluate an expression.


                 ? expression


expression = expression to evaluate.


- use the '$' character to enter an hexadecimal value. - use the '%' character to enter a binary value. - use the '#' character to enter a decimal value. - you can use any register in the expression. In hex mode you require

the prefix '\\' for d0-a7.
 ? a0+d0*4
 ? \\pc+a0+#80*2   ;in dec mode a0 is the register, in hex mode its a value

- use the '[' and ']' characters to enter an indirect address.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_x “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_X”



- Exit HRTmon




##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_kill “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_KILL”



- Kill and exit HRTmon





@@Node cmd_hexlock “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_HEXLOCK”

                      @@{b}CMD_HEXLOCK : hexlock (on|off)@@{ub}


- Switches hexadecimal mode as default instead of decimal.


                 hexlock on                  ;sets hex mode on
                 hexlock off                 ;switches dec mode on


In decimal mode you may omit # and \\. In hexadecimal mode you may omit $, but require
on cpu-registers d0-a7 and, of course, a # before decimal numbers.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_ide “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_IDE”



- Display IDE HardDisk information




- You need an A1200 or an A4000 to access a HardDisk. - You need to activate the IDE option in @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs}. - Read @@{“HD WARNINGS” Link HDwarnings} before accessing your HardDisk.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_part “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_PART”



- Display a list of accessible disks and partitions.




- You need an A1200 or an A4000 to access a HardDisk. - You need to activate the IDE option in @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs}. - Read @@{“HD WARNINGS” Link HDwarnings} before accessing your HardDisk.


##——————————————————————- @@Node cmd_sp “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/CMD_SP”



- Save the actual picture of the graphic searcher (@@{“P” Link cmd_p} command)

in IFF format.


                 sp filename



@@Node cmd_empty “HRTmon/Usage/Commands/”

@@{b}This function doesn't need any comments !@@{ub}



@@Node Remove “HRTmon/Usage/Remove”


- To remove HRTmon just run @@{“HRTmonPrefs” Link HRTmonPrefs}.

HRTmon will be automatically located and removed.

- You can also use the @@{“KILL” Link cmd_kill} command.



@@Node Level7 “HRTmon/Level7”

                      @@{b}LEVEL7 BUTTON@@{ub}

HRTmon needs a special hardware to work properly. (If you don't have it you can still use HRTmon with the 'right-mouse enter'

or the 'key-enter' options of @@{"HRTmonPrefs" Link HRTmonPrefs})

You will have to add a level7 button to your Amiga (if you don't have it already). This button will also work with other software as ASMOne.

This button will generate a level7 (Non maskable interrupt) on you Amiga. When you press this button, you will immediatly enter HRTmon.

Don't be afraid if you are not an electronics specialist ! It's very easy if you know soldering. (If you can't do it, just ask some friends. I'm sure you know someone who will be able to do it.)

@@{b}Material needed :@@{ub}

- 1 button. - some wires. - 3 diodes 1N4148 or any other equivalent.

Here is the @@{b}schematics@@{ub} of this button:

@@{b}IPL0@@{ub} ——– @@{b}>|@@{ub} ——\


@@{b}IPL1@@{ub} ——– @@{b}>|@@{ub} ————— @@{b}button@@{ub} ——- @@{b}GND@@{ub}


@@{b}IPL2@@{ub} ——– @@{b}>|@@{ub} ——/

@@{b}>|@@{ub} = diode.

@@{b}IPL0 IPL1 IPL2@@{ub} signals can be found on pin 83-82-81 of the expansion port of the A1200.



@@Node Disclaimer “HRTmon/Disclaimer and Author Info”

                  @@{b}HRTmon Information@@{ub}

HRTmon Amiga system monitor Copyright (C) 1991-1998 Alain Malek

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You can find the full GNU GPL online at:

Please send your comments, wishes and bug reports for HRTmon to:

       Alain Malek
       Bonne-Esperance 1
       1006 Lausanne

Or by email:

Please remember to state the version number you are using, in all correspondance.



@@Node Thanks “HRTmon/Thanks to…”

                     @@{b}Thanks to ...@@{ub}

- Nico Francois for his great reqtools library. - Carnivore/BeerMacht for the assembler and disassembler functions.

First I did my own routines, but only for 68000, and I was too lazy to
add the 68020-68040,FPU,MMU instructions. So I took his routines from
BeerMon and adapted them to HRTmon.

- Roberto Marra, sCREEM/cRUX, SHANE, Jean-Francois Fabre, Henry Sopko

for beta-testing and new ideas.

- Pablo d'Angelo for his help in finding the cpu detection bug.

- And all the people who registred HRTmon !



@@Node Future “HRTmon/Future”

                     @@{b}The Future@@{ub}

- Add play-sound command (no one seems to need it, till now…) - Add breakpoint option in the tracer. - Add saving of FASTRAM to SA/LA commands. - Address access breakpoint by using the MMU - Trap write-only registers with MMU - PPC assembling/disassembling

- Any good idea from you :)



@@Node FAQ “HRTmon/FAQ

                  @@{b}FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)@@{ub}

1 - I can't find a FA command ?

  Use the @@{"FI" Link cmd_fi} command instead. Finding relative
  addresses is just one aspect of this powerfull command.

2 - HRTmon doesn't restore the display of my game correctly ?

  I can't do anything against this. The problem is due to some
  write-only registers which can't be restored.
  To get the correct display mode you can try to change the default
  values of some custom registers as BPLCON0 ($100),
  BPLMOD0 ($108), FMODE ($1fc) by using the @@{"E" Link cmd_e} command.

3 - HRTmon doesn't restore my Productivity, Euro72, DblPal, DblNtsc, …

  (or gfx board) screen ?
  Again this is due to some write-only registers which can't be
  You can solve this problem by using the @@{"31K" Link cmd_31k} command,
  or use the LoadView option of HRTmonPrefs.



@@Node History “HRTmon/History”


version 2.37 Apr 28 2017 (Toni Wilen, Wepl)

- changes for uae/aca-rom - don't wait for blitter if dma is off - don't read vbr with whdload on 68000

version 2.36 Dec 02 2015 (StingRay)

- fixed tracer output which was broken in 2.35 - fixed help mode (couldn't be quit on very fast machines/UAE) - WHDLoad commands WL/WS renamed to WLM/WSM so the original WS

command to write sectors works again

- some spelling mistakes in the documention fixed

version 2.35 Oct 13 2013 (Wepl)

- new command NR added, it displays memory like the N command but the

data is decoded like a rawkey code of the us keyboard map

- the screen/video init has been changed a bit so that WHDLoad can

switch it on each time the monitor is entered between PAL und NTSC

version 2.34 Aug 28 2011

- the whdload feature to dump the actual screen via the key Alt-PrtSc

has been changed to save to "hrtmon-screen.txt" in the directory of
the installed program instead of to "RAM:", because starting with
WHDLoad version 16.9 it is no longer support to write outside the
installed program

version 2.33 May 16 2010

- some fixes in the disassembler output (Psygore) - readme-whdload.txt corrected (Wepl)

version 2.32 Sep 13 2009

Toni Wilen: - ORG must be before FILE “hrtmon.rom” line - ROM start is $A10000 - moveq #1; rts; and bra.w stuff should probably be kept to keep offset

to configuration variables static between versions

- first ClearCache must not be called in cart mode because cpu type

isn't detected yet

- final change is 68000 support

Wepl: - whdload command WD corrected when called from User Mode, previousy

there were wrong stackpointers

version 2.31 Feb 15 2009

- whdload command WI improved, shows also slave memory now (Wepl)

version 2.30 Jul 04 2006

- assembler directives added to assemble special cartridge version to be

used with UAE (Toni Wilen)

- some docs cleanup (Wepl)

version 2.29 Jan 03 2006

- whdload command WI added (Wepl)

version 2.28 Mar 14 2005 (Psygore/Wepl)

- disassembler fixed for negative absolut word adressing modes

version 2.27 Mar 07 2005 (Bertrand JARDEL/Wepl)

- better whdload compatibility with 68030 (CACR modification removed) - better support for whdload's SNOOP mode (no longer checks for additional

drives if called from WHDLoad)

version 2.25 Dec 27 1998

- some whdload specific commands added (Bert Jahn)

see readme-whdload.txt

version 2.24 Nov 18 1998

- documentation update (hexlock, AR3 keys, d2f and f2d) - new hexmode option in HRTmonPrefs to activate hexlock by default

version 2.23 Nov 10 1998

more compatible with ActionReplay 3 behaviour (all done by Achim Haertel)

- new command: hexlock on/off (lets enter hex numbers without prefix,

registers d0-a7 require a \\ as prefix)

- tab - insert blank - alt+tab insert blank line - alt+del remove line - esc cursor to first row of next line, nothing executed

version 2.22 Oct 8 1998

- copper search fix - unexpected exceptions are ignored (may be triggered by some level7 buttons)

version 2.21 Jul 18 1998

- memory watch command added - level2 interrupt not used anymore, to avoid freeze with extension cards

(pcmcia, ethernet, scsi, etc...)

- option -r added to the HRTmon command (for removing HRTmon) - HRTmonPrefs fixed and Kickstart 2.0 compatible - no more crash when unknown command entered

version 2.20 Jul 16 1998

- German keymap fix (Bert Jahn) - copper search fix - vbr relocation changed - support for 68000 and 68010 - HRTmon command doesn't use reqtools anymore - config file format changed - new 'no vbr move' option in HRTmonPrefs - command crash detection and recover system added

version 2.19 Jun 29 1998

- some WHDLoad adaptation (Bert Jahn) - better excep command (Bert Jahn) - display HRTmon entry reason (Bert Jahn) - file Lock fix in HRTmon command (Bert Jahn) - gfx-ripper info pannel fix - copper search routine fix

version 2.18 Jun 23 1998

- hd partition detection fixed - floppy disk access fixed when in multiscan mode - mmu related problem fixed

version 2.17 Jun 12 1998

- source code clean-up - PhxAss support (v4.39alpha or better) - BASM support (Bert Jahn) - disable PCMCIA interrupts when in HRTmon. (avoid freeze)

version 2.16 Jun 4 1998 (9th public release)

- first source code release under GPL

version 2.15 25 Apr 1998

- EHB (halfbright) support in gfx-ripper

version 2.14 9 Jan 1998 (8th public release)

- support for CD32 ProModule IDE interface - faster copper list search (cmd COP) - support for NTSC and Multiscan screen modes - configuration fileformat changed, users of v2.13 or prior should

save a new config from HRTmonPrefs

version 2.13 6 Nov 1997 (7th public release)

- level 7 a little bit more powerfull - better IDE HD support - trainer functions fixed

version 2.12 16 Jun 1997 (6th public release)

- 68060 instructions added - 68060 register display

version 2.1 22 May 1997 (5th public release)

- 'Snap cursor' added in editor window - new status bar - no output on screen when switching insert mode on/off - '#' key was missing on French keyboard - command history invoked through CTRL-up/down keys - use SHIFT-up/down to scroll faster in memory dump - Garbage on screen with some 040 machines fixed - help page doesn't scroll further when HELP key released - 31K command added - Bug in disk bitmap allocation removed. (got a disk full msg too early) - Bug in CPU detection routine removed. (failed on 68020 boards with FPU) - LoadView task option added in HRTmonPrefs (gfx-board compatible)

version 2.00 24 Nov 1996 (4th public release)

- IDE hard-disk access (A1200 and A4000 only) - Support for International FileSystem - Works on 68020-68060 - A4000 bug fixed - Scroll up and down for disassembly, mem dump, etc… - New powerfull gfx searcher and ripper - Save picture command - Improved floppy disk access - HRTmon can be entered by pressing a key - Auto memory location - Some more preferences - Completly rewritten file access routines - New HRTmon program launcher - Lots of small useful commands added…

version 1.20 2 May 1995 (3rd public release)

- SETMAP command removed. - Now you select your keyboard from HRTmonPrefs - Added MMU option in HRTmonPrefs - Added Clock option in HRTmonPrefs

(The auto-detection of the clock caused a crash on A3000 and A4000/030 and
maybe some other configurations too.)

version 1.10 22 April 1995

- Added KILL command.

version 1.01 10 April 1995 (2nd public release)

- Removed a bug when entering HRTmon. (Sometimes it crashed…) - No more crash when exiting HRTmon, after having pressed the right-mouse

button in HRTmon (only in 'right-mouse enter' mode.)

- Now the debug command should work correctly.

version 1.00 2 April 1995

- First public release


##——————————————————————- @

1.8 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 1 a6 2 ## HRTmon docs v2.36 ## $Id: 1.8 2015/12/2 12:17:48 wepl Exp wepl $ d12 1 a12 1

		HRTmon v2.36 Documentation

d2032 6 @

1.7 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 2 a7 2 ## HRTmon docs v2.35 ## $Id$ d13 1 a13 1

		HRTmon v2.35 Documentation

d186 1 a186 1

(Usefull when disassembling or dumping memory.)

d241 1 a241 1

This is usefull for functions like memory search or trainer.

d1146 1 a1146 1 - This function is usefull when you want to put a breakpoint in a ROM. d1149 1 a1149 1 - Be carfull when the processor switchs from User mode, to Supervisor ! d1465 1 a1465 1

It is usefull if you want to save a game which doesn't have a 'save game'

d1493 1 a1493 1

It is usefull if you want to save a game which doesn't have a 'save game'

d2034 8 d2227 1 a2227 1 - Lots of small usefull commands added… @

1.6 log @* empty log message * @ text @d7 1 @

1.5 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 1 a6 1 ## HRTmon docs v2.34 d12 1 a12 1

                      HRTmon v2.34 Documentation

d2032 8 @

1.4 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 1 a6 1 ## HRTmon docs v2.33 d12 1 a12 1

                      HRTmon v2.33 Documentation

d2032 8 @

1.3 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 1 a6 1 ## HRTmon docs v2.32 d12 1 a12 1

                      HRTmon v2.32 Documentation

d2032 5 @

1.2 log @* empty log message * @ text @d6 1 a6 1 ## HRTmon docs v2.31 d12 1 a12 1

                      HRTmon v2.31 Documentation

d2032 15 @

1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d6 1 a6 1 ## HRTmon docs v2.29 d12 1 a12 1

                      HRTmon v2.29 Documentation

d2032 4 @


R reg new-val show or modify registers
A address instr assemble 680×0 code
D address disassemble / assemble 680×0 code
H address hex dump of memory or modify memory
M address hex dump of memory or modify memory
N address ascII dump of memory
NR address us-rawkey decoded dump of memory
E offset show / edit custom registers
TYPE addr. type memory
C src end dest copy a memory block
Q strt end dest compare two memory blocks
O strt end val fill memory
CE src end dest exchange two memory blocks
F strt end val find
FS strt end str find string (not casesensitive)
FI strt end str find instruction
COP strt end find copper-list
P picno gfx-ripper (picno=0,1,2,..) (first use COP)
B address set/remove an illegal breakpoint
BJ address set/remove a JSR breakpoint
BD delete all breakpoints
MW.(b/w/l) address set/remove memory watch
MW view all memory watch
MWD delete all memory watch
G address restart program at address
T nbsteps trace instruction(s)
TA address trace till 'address' is reached
DEBUG patch exception vectors
DRIVE no select drive (0/1) for format and read/write sector
MOTOR turn drive motor on
FORMAT name format a floppy disk
FORMATQ name quick format a floppy disk
DISKCHK check a floppy disk
DIR path directory
CD path change current directory ('/' for parent)
L name addr load a file in memory
S name strt end save memory to a file
SP name save the actual picture from the gfx-ripper
MAKEDIR name create a new directory
DEL name delete a file or an empty directory
COPY src dest copy a file
RS addr strt nb read sector from floppy disk
WS addr strt nb write sector to floppy disk
D2F name read a floppy disk and save it as a file
F2D name read a file and write it as a floppy disk
BB addr calculate boot-block checksum
IDE get information from IDE drives
PART list all partitions
LA name load all
SA name save all
SAC name save all crunched
CLEAR clear all memory and reboot (HRTmon lost)
REBOOT reboot and keep HRTmon resident
TS strt end lives trainer start
TSD strt end lives deep trainer start
TF lives trainer find (normal and deep)
EXCEP show exception vectors
OUTPUT addr copy output to memory
AF addr instr assemble 65816
DF address disassemble 65816
FIF strt end str find instr. 65816
PAL set PAL display
NTSC set NTSC display
31K set 31Khz display (Productivity, Euro72,…)
LED switch power led
SETMAP mapname Set/show keymap (USA,CH,D,F)
? expression evaluate an expression
VER show HRTmon version
X exit
KILL remove HRTmon
HEXLOCK (on/off) switches hexadecimal mode as default
TT show exec tasks ver 2.38


F1 Clear screen
F2 Toggle insert mode on/off
F6 Toggle 65816/65802 CPU mode
F7 Enter/Exit tracer
F10 Switch pages 1/2
Esc Break/ignore line
Tab insert blank character
ALT Tab insert blank line
SHIFT Del insert a blank character
ALT Del remove line
SHIFT Backspc clear current line
CTRL up,down move into command history
SHIFT up,down set cursor to top/bottom of screen

GFX ripper help

F10 Exit gfx-ripper
Arrows Move unlocked plans.
Shift Fast move
1-8 Lock/Unlock plan 1-8
M Increase modulo
N Decrease modulo
, Clear modulo
Q Decrease picture width
W Increase picture width
A Decrease picture height
S Increase picture height
R Set all bitplans to the same address
H Toggle HAM on/off
E Toggle EHB on/off
Help Switch info panel on/off
Del Change color of info panel
F1 Start/Stop height set mode

WHDLoad help

WI show info about WHDLoad and memory
WLM name adr load a file in memory
WSM name strt end save memory to a file
WPD strt len delete memory protection
WPR strt len protect memory from reading
WPW strt len protect memory from writing
WPRW strt len protect memory from reading and writing
WPSMC strt len snoop memory region for selfmodifying code
WQ quit whdload
WD quit whdload with debug (dumpfile)