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Neo-Geo Program Header

For cartridge systems

Address Size Description
$100 7 bytes “NEO-GEO” string (first cartridge recognition code).
$107 byte System version (0 for cartridge systems, 1 or 2 for adapted cart games on Neo CD ?).
$108 word NGH number in BCD, 0000 prohibited.
$10A longword Total P ROM data size in bytes.
$10E longword Pointer to backup RAM data block (in 68k user RAM). The first 2 bytes are the debug DIPs.
$112 word Size of the required game save data in bytes.
$114 byte Eyecatcher animation flag. 0=Done by system ROM, 1=Done by game, 2=Nothing.
$115 byte Sprite bank number (upper 8 bits of tile number) for the eye-catcher logo, if done by system ROM.
$116 longword Pointer to Japanese software DIPs settings layout.
$11A longword Pointer to US settings software DIPs settings layout.
$11E longword Pointer to Euro settings software DIPs settings layout.
$122 6 bytes JMP to USER subroutine (code start).
$128 6 bytes JMP to PLAYER_START subroutine.
$12E 6 bytes JMP to DEMO_END subroutine.
$134 6 bytes JMP to COIN_SOUND subroutine.
$182 longword Pointer to security code (second cartridge recognition code).
$186 longword Unknown (seems only set to 0x00000000 on boards containing Spanish software DIPs).
$18A longword Unknown (seems only set to 0x00000001 on boards containing Spanish software DIPs).
$18E longword Pointer to Spanish settings software DIPs settings layout (not all games use this).

For CD System

Address Size Description
$100 7 bytes “NEO-GEO” string (CDDA recognition code).
$107 byte 2 for adapted cart games on Neo CD).
$108 word NGH number in BCD, 0000 prohibited.
$10A longword Total P ROM data size in bytes.
$10E longword Pointer to backup RAM data block (in 68k user RAM). The first 2 bytes are the debug DIPs.
$112 word Size of the required game save data in bytes.
$114 byte Eyecatcher animation flag. 0=Done by system ROM, 1=Done by game, 2=Nothing.
$115 byte Sprite bank number (upper 8 bits of tile number) for the eye-catcher logo, if done by system ROM.
$116 longword Pointer to Japanese software DIPs settings layout.
$11A longword Pointer to US settings software DIPs settings layout.
$11E longword Pointer to Euro settings software DIPs settings layout.
$122 6 bytes JMP to USER subroutine (code start).
$128 6 bytes JMP to PLAYER_START subroutine.
$12E 6 bytes JMP to DEMO_END subroutine.
$134 6 bytes JMP to COIN_SOUND subroutine.
$13C word Z80 RAM address for CDDA commands
neo-geo/rom-68k-program-header.1690657156.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2023/07/29 20:59 de frater